Refugee Week is a UK-wide festival celebrating the contribution of asylum seekers and refugees, and promoting understanding of why people seek sanctuary. This year it will be held from 14-20 June with the theme “We Cannot Walk Alone” and everyone is welcome. #RefugeeWeek2021 #WeCannotWalkAlone
Let’s celebrate it together by joining the Refugee Week events.
Please click on this link to get the full details of Refugee Week events_timetable 2021
Interesting Webinar on Monday 14th June 2021.

Join us celebrating Refugee and Asylum seekers’ achievements. Here is the webinar programme Launching Webinar
We can’t wait to see you and share our stories.
Join our event: Collaborative Poem Writing
Wednesday 16th June 2021

Please express your interest to join our poem writing session by emailing us at: [email protected]
It would be a lovely chance to get together to write a poem to celebrate Refugee Week under the theme ” We can’t walk alone”.
Join our event “World Book Night Cook In”
Friday 18th June 2021
From 5 Pm