Schools play a crucial role in shaping the values of our future generations. Across Calderdale, many schools are taking inspiring steps to create environments where every child, regardless of their background, feels safe, valued, and included. Over 20 schools in our Borough have joined as Members of Calderdale Valley of Sanctuary and are actively working to raise awareness and welcome students seeking sanctuary.
One school making a difference is St. Augustine’s CE Primary School, which recently performed the nativity play, Jesus Was a Refugee. Written especially for Calderdale Valley of Sanctuary Members by volunteer Hina Gillani, the play helped children reflect on the experiences of those forced to flee their homes, encouraging empathy and kindness.
At Lightcliffe CE Primary School, students have been putting compassion into action by assembling BraveBoxes of Sanctuary—care packages filled with comforting items for children arriving in Calderdale as refugees. They created a whopping 100 BraveBoxes that have already been distributed, offering a small but mighty welcome to young newcomers.
Older students are also engaging with the realities of displacement in powerful ways. Ryburn Valley High School hosted the performance Refuge Island during Refugee Week 2024, featuring real-life accounts of women who sought sanctuary in the UK from Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Ireland. The moving performance helped deepen students’ understanding of the courage and resilience shown by those forced to leave their homes.
Leading the way, Beech Hill School became the first school in Calderdale to achieve School of Sanctuary status. Their commitment to welcoming refugee families goes beyond the classroom—they celebrate multicultural events, hold workshops to support new arrivals, and share best practices with other schools. As a result, they’ve built a truly inclusive environment where every child can thrive. Greetland Academy, Halifax Academy and St. Augustine’s CE School are all currently working towards the School of Sanctuary Award.
For one refugee student, this kind of support has made all the difference:
“On my first day at school, I didn’t know any English. Some people helped me, but I felt strange. … I [now] feel safe in this school because it helps me so much.”
Across Calderdale, schools are proving that small acts of welcome can make a big impact. Whether through storytelling, creative projects, or direct support, they are helping to create a culture of kindness for refugees.Interested in getting your school involved? Email for more information: [email protected]
This post was originally published in the March edition of the Grapevine magazine. Keep your eyes out for our next article!